BOWEN | BOWEN | Coach; Neutral; Objective; Promotes self-differentiation; Believes that unresolved patterns of conflict are transmitted across generations. |
Explore chronic anxiety and reactivity in family through generations; Assess levels of differentiation; Assess degree of emotional cut-off. |
CONTEXTUAL | Nagy | Expert; Directive; Multi-directional partiality over neutrality; “Catalyst of resources.” |
Emphasis on roles of reliability; trustworthiness, fairness, loyalty; Explore 4 dimensions of individual and relational psychology: Facts, Individual Psychology, Behavioral Transactions, and Relational Ethics. |
OBJECT RELATIONS | Framo | Non-directive; Observer; Believes that current relationships are based on past experiences with parent or caretaker |
Relies on client self-report; Emphasizes working with individual and family of origin. |
BOWEN | Increase differentiation; Distinguish between thoughts and feelings; Identify triangles; Identify fusion; De-triangulate; Reduce anxiety; Therapist must have same maturity level as client; Therapist instructs couples in conflict to speak to him, not to each other. |
Genogram; Eight interlocking concepts: Societal Regression; Emotional Cut-Off; Differentiation of Self; Family Projection Process; Triangulation; Multigenerational Transmission Process; Nuclear Family Emotional System; and Sibling Position. |
CONTEXTUAL | Explore family “ledger” and relational ethics; Build sense of autonomy; Expand trust; Balance level of fairness and consideration and restore capacity to give. |
Invisible loyalties; Destructive entitlement; Constructive entitlement; Parentification; Filial Loyalty; Split Filial Loyalty; Rejunctive/Disjunctive moves; Accountability; Exoneration. |
OBJECT RELATIONS | Foster insight and expression of repressed objects; Foster transformation of behavior (“working through”). |
Insight; Working Through; Positive Introject; Negative Introject; “Dirty Middle” Projective Identification; Transference; Countertransference. |