Our team at CrunchTime Exam Prep is dedicated to bringing you the highest caliber of study materials and practice exam questions. We understand what it’s like to prepare for the MFT National Licensure Exam, as most of us on the CrunchTime team have successfully taken and passed this exam. As we studied the various theoretical models and answered literally thousands of practice questions, we realized that we were actually creating the perfect study guide ourselves. And we are here to pass along our knowledge to you. Our program is solely geared to helping you achieve a passing score on your national licensure exam.
Our team is comprised of practicing therapists, mental health counselors, supervisors, and professors at nationally accredited universities. Each member of the CrunchTime team has successfully taken the MFT National Licensure Exam, the MHC National Licensure Exam, or both. The majority of us have taken the exam within the last four (4) years. Remember, we have been in your place and we will be with YOU every step of the way!
Here at CrunchTime, we are always well informed about the topics that are being emphasized and tested each year. We have weeded out the extraneous material and have provided you not only with the material that is currently being tested, but also with techniques and shortcuts/strategies to easily learn this material. Most importantly, we will prepare you for the way the material is tested on the exam.
It’s CRUNCH TIME! Let’s begin!